
CALLIGRAPHY is one of the famous art in the world . It is a form of visual art related to writing.Usually , Calligraphy can be divided to 3 categories which are Western Calligraphy , Arabic Calligraphy and Oriential Calligraphy. What interesting is , these calligraphies has their own history , creativity  and design .  


It is believed that , most of people indirectly know about this type of calligraphy . It is because  this calligraphy is using  the  alphabet and numbering letters . It is also can be identified by them easily because the calligraphy is not just only use for art , but it also used in form of  technology such as font in computer , banner and others.

1.1 :

The website explain  about the meaning of western calligraphy . It is also gives the readers about the history of  this calligraphy  from early modern era until today in details . 

 Click here  to find more !

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It is recommended to all people especially for  those who are interested with this calligraphy and the beginners to see this website. At the beginning , the writer explains about the history of  western calligraphy . Then , he gives a lot of beneficial tips and guidance such as  the suitable tools to write calligraphy  and others .

 Let's click this BUTTON  for more information :)


Arabic calligraphy has many different types and design of calligraphy . It shows that this calligraphy is not just only for art , but it also used in form of writing in Quran. . For example , all countries have their own types of calligraphy on printing of the holy Quran.  it will made the people  know the facts or history of certain country through it . 

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This blog contain all about Arabic Calligraphy . One of the content is a history of Arabic Calligraphy in islamic civilation . Beside that , it also explain the art  in others civilation such as Egypt, Greek , Roman , Byzantine and others.

 Feel free to click here to explore more  !

2.2 :

Here , these famous types of arabic calligraphy should you know :-

1. Nasakh ,
2.Riq'ah ,
3. Kufi ,
4. Diwani  , and others.

Based on the website above , it tells about the types of arabic calligraphy . Interesting to explore this website that  , the author explains about the calligraphy and fact with some examples through pictures that will made the readers understand more .

Don't forget to click here  !


This website transform a name to arabic calligraphy . You can try your name and look the various types of arabic calligraphy in this website :)

click HERE to explore it !


Interesting to know that , Oriental Calligraphy is very familiar among Chinese , Japanese ,Korean people. Although , the types of calligraphy for these countries look like a same , the history of the calligraphy are typically different . For them , calligraphy is one of the traditional arts  to their countries. But , i would like to share about chinese calligraphy only.


This blog contains all about Chinese Calligraphy . Basically ,chinese traditional calligraphy mainly falls into five categories :-
1. Seal Character 2.Official Script 3.Formal Script 4.Running Script 5. Cursive Hand .
What interesting is , this blog also explains these categories of  chinese traditional in form of the history and the design .

click here  to find out more !



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