

🌸Behaviorism is a learning theory that only focuses on objectively observable behaviors and discounts any independent activities of the mind . Behavior theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior based on environmental conditions.

🍁 To be honest , I don't have any knowledge to create a blog because I think it is so difficult and complicated to use it . But , Alhamdulillah , my lecturer for Instructional Technology class , Dr. Sharifah Sariah taught clearly on how to make a blog . And yeah ,  she inspired me to do this blog successfully  ! I always attend her class earlier before the class began as I did not want to lost important and beneficial note and advices from her . When Dr. teaching in  class , I listened carefully and paid full attention toward her word and the instruction given  . I also took the opportunity to jotted down everything she said on how to make a blog as my reference while making this blog. Not only that , Dr. Sharifah Sariah always gave some Islamic perspective related to her lectures that made me understand more . I followed the steps given and ask Dr. Sharifah Sariah or my friends  as soon as possible when I did not understand about something related to blog.


 🌸 Cognitivism is a learning theory that focuses on the processes involved in learning rather than on the observed behavior. As opposed to behaviorists , Cognitivits do not require an outward exhibition learning , but focus more on the internal processes and connections that take place during learning . Cognitivism contents that "black box" of the mind should be opened and understood . The learner is viewed as an information processor

🍁 Without any shadow of deny , I learned so much new things about this course from Dr. Sharifah Sariah . But , for me , to make a blog is not easy . So , It's not enough  for me to just learning in class .  I watched on youtube by myself and explore more in google to make me understand better  .I asked Dr. Sharifah , my friend and seniors directly when I have some problem or did not catch up about something related to the blog . Dr. guided ,  taught and showed me step by step for using each tool in the blog . Not only that , she also gave her  opinion about  themes , colour palettes , background   that will made my blog better and worthier . It helped me to be more creative to make this blog and now i already know about the function of tools. After class , I practised these skills and finished this task on my own.


🌸 This theory learning is based on the idea that knowledge constructed by the knower based on mental activity . Learners are considered to be active  organisms seeking meaning. Constructivism is founded by reflecting on our experiences , we construct our understanding of the world conciously we live in.

🍁  I gained many experiences through making this blog . Before this ,  I thought that making a blog just same like other social media such as Facebook , Instagram and others. Just write a caption to the reader and post it without choosing any fonts or design . But actually , It is  quite different and complicated than others . For example , I can choose different types of font for Blog Title , Text and Post , not just stick on one types of font . There are many choices of font provided in the blog. I thought that it is enough for me too just change the font . But , when I explore more about the blog , I also  know how to insert a link in a word rather than just copy paste it , so that , the reader can click the 'word' quickly .  Besides blog , I also experienced to create  a banner by using Adobe Photoshop in  laptop rather that just edited on phone.  Yes , I improve my blog in term of decoration , suitable colours , text and others through my experiences before. 'From nothing to somehing' I learnt about the blog and I believed that ' experience is the best teacher' for me.

In conclusion  , I learn a lot of new things and knowledge in my Instructional Technology class with Dr. Sharifah Sariah . It is important to all people to know about the technology as we live on it . Thanks a lot to her and may Allah bless her FOREVER 💗
